Absolutely! Love, forgiveness, friends, and family. The priceless things that don't come with a gift receipt or tag. Christmas feels a lot different as you get older. I truly enjoy giving rather than receiving. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for all the gifts I got! But there wasn't much I wanted to begin with. Oh and this little baby below is worth mentioning:
As much as I wanted to keep this little hamster, I knew it was best to return it. I've had my fair share of hamsters and I can't fathom the thought of watching another one die. Not my fault! They only live 2 years or so and my last one died of a tumor. =(
Besides, I'm always on the go and I can't tend to a pet.
Have fun being quarantined at Petsmart little one!
I guess that's it for this year...Eager for 2009 to be over, I'm escaping:
Vegas- 12/27 - 12/30
OC & Disneyland- 12/30 - 01/01
Merry Christmas everyone and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!