Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Heart

I was rummaging through some things in my room and came across old notebooks from college. Subject: The Cardiovascular System. Some interesting facts about the heart and that I find impressive:

  • The heart pumps about 1,500-2000 gallons of blood throughout your body on a daily basis.
  • If all the nerves going to the heart is cut and it's removed from the body, the heart will continue to beat. This is because the heart is autorhythmic, meaning it generates its own rhythmic action potentials independent of the body.
  • The human heart is fully developed about eight weeks after conception, when the embryo is only about one inch long.
I find it funny that the body can't function without the heart, yet the heart can function without the body. The heart is truly amazing. In addition to the vast physical work, the heart endures a great amount of emotional work too. Ever wonder why there is a piercing pain in your heart when you are hurt by someone you love? What is the correlation between these emotional and physical effects? Why doesn't your brain or stomach hurt, but rather, you heart. A heartache = my heart aches. It's that feeling where your entire chest cavity feels twisted and when you grasp for air, all you get is a minuscule amount of air that isn't enough to supply your entire body. Lack of oxygen means lack of blood, which means your brain can't think right, your eyes can't seem to focus, and all you want is for it to end. The heart, a strong enough organ to pump thousands of gallons of blood throughout the day, yet not strong enough for broken love and heartaches.

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