Did you know that yesterday, October 7, marked the 9th year anniversary of the War in Afghanistan? The day that our former idiot president Bush declared war as a retaliation of the 9/11 attack. Where were you when you heard the news of the falling Twin Towers? I vaguely remember sitting in Senor A's Spanish II class. He had the radio on and we were just listening quietly, in utter shock. Our Spanish lesson was put aside that day, as we all discussed the tragic event that took place that early morning.
It's unbelievable how American men and women are out there, fighting everyday for these past 9 years. We tend to forget this as we are all consumed by our own lives. What seems safe and quiet here on the home front, is much different overseas. Can you imagine? Living in fear every single day. Wondering when the horror will end.
I have always respected those who have risked their lives to protect our country. But when I was in Okinawa, I found an even greater respect for all of them. I never understood why anyone would want to give up their lives to be put in such a life threatening situation. It takes an incredible amount of strength and courage. One Marine explained to me what the War was really about and what they were fighting for. It's beyond the oil, "hidden weapons", and urgency to prove that Americans are not to be messed with. The reasons? Long story short...they are fighting for the common good for both sides. After some more heart felt conversations with some of the Marines on my sister's base, I understood why they made the decision in the first place. It almost brought a tear to my eye. I was happy to hear that they had the chance to experience and accomplish things that I could only dream of. I was sad to hear that some of their friends had been deployed to the Middle East...never to return again. Some have made it a life career to be active in the Marines, anticipating the next destination and excited to retire one day, to reap the benefits. Others are counting the days until they can get out and return home. Their stories, their journeys, their courage and hard work have been unrecognized and unappreciated.

Annie...if you're reading this, I'm really proud of you and I can't wait for you to come home in 3 months =)