Saturday, November 21, 2009

2nd Chances

Who out there is deserving of a 2nd chance? I have faith in the goodness of people and if that prevails, then yes, 2nd chances should be given. It's just a matter of when the change can happen and if it is enough to make a difference. I for one, am an advocate of change. YES WE CAN! Change was the apparent theme of 2009. I've seen transformations within others and more importantly within myself. Physically or mentally, I am always happy to see something different. Take for example, a certain someone disappears from your life and then shows up again, a completely different person...a better person. It's refreshing. It's like metamorphosis. When a tadpole becomes a frog! But then I start to wonder, how does this change happen so rapidly? Perhaps it was already happening right before my eyes and I too blinded to notice because of the mishaps of the past. Perhaps I simply took this for granted and didn't appreciate it until it was gone. Story of our lives.

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