So last night, we went in to buy a board game because it was one of those nights when we wanted to have fun and didn't want to resort to boozing. So walking down the toy section, I found this: BRACE YOUSRELF!
Is this what Babrie has come to? I was outraged! Miss Thang here is a part of the "Barbie Basics" collection. There is nothing BASIC to these dolls. Her and the other hoochie mama Barbies were on the shelves so that little girls can have! At first, I thought, "Oh this Barbie must be a manufactor's defect because she's missing her tank top underneath." But NOPE!!! I looked at the other Barbies behind her and they all were missing an undershirt! My goodness! What is Mattel marketing to little girls? To slut it up? To show one's breastesses? Inappropriate. At least have an advisory note that says, if you're gonna be a whore, wait until after age 21. Protect your youth! I am outraged. Sooo outraged that I looked it up online to see if anyone has made complaints about it. Much to my surprise, they toned down the sex appeal of these Barbies on ads.
The Barbie I found in the store...Her boobs are busting out.

Barbie I found online...barely there boobs.

On a lighter note, I have a new project at work, thanks to the dollar aisle at Target. I will attempt to grow and harvest strawberries out of my cubical. Amazing these lille thigns are! And only for $1. What a steal.
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